Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Join Me at Joini5

This a great way to advertise and make easy money. Check this site out!

Join Me at Joini5

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why Pay So Much To SEO

One basic fact of online business that everyone knows and accepts is the traffic = profits. In other words, the more people who visit a website, the more visitors who will be converted into customers. While advertising (for those who can afford it) and word of mouth can drive a small amount of traffic to a website, this will never be enough to make money. Most internet businesses are volume driven – the lack of overheads allows prices to be kept low. The competition means prices must be competitive. There restricted margins means that profits come from big sales volumes. This does not mean that you have to sell in millions (either units or dollars) – everything in proportion. But volumes are critical to your success. And volumes come from search engines.

Everyone knows that the internet has made us all lazy. We search online for what we want, but unless we are not able to find what we are looking for on page 1 of the results, we never go to page 2 or beyond. It's too much trouble. That is why so many website owners pay SEO consultants huge amounts to optimize their sites so that they get the best search engine rankings. This is a needless expense. Spider Language allows you to optimize your site yourself.

Click Here To Download Your Free "Google Spider" Report

Spider Language is the bait for the Google robot. It is the kind of language that the search engine is looking for. Once Google finds Spider Language, it ranks the website high on its results. Spider Language can now be learned in a simple course that takes just a few hours a week and even newbies can pick up without hassles. And the results in terms of increased traffic and increased sales begin to show immediately. If you are looking for a simple, inexpensive and highly effective way to drive traffic to your website, Spider Language is the answer to your problems.

Click Here To Download Your Free "Google Spider" Report

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Find Your Niche and Make Cash for Life!

There is a new system that affiliates can use that enables them to choose their niche and copy the blueprints that others have

successfully used in that niche to make thousands of dollars. The Profit Miracle system is so easy to use and is utilizes free

traffic so that the affiliate does not have to spend any more money out of pocket to do the marketing campaigns involved with

affiliate marketing. The Profit Miracle system has it set up so that an affiliate can get set up in two easy steps. The third

step is watching their profit margin grow day after day as their income rolls in from their niches.

Many affiliates get frustrated because they create article after article and submit them but still come up short in the search

engines. The Profit Miracle system teaches them how to take their articles to the top of the searches and make their

conversion rate skyrocket. Other affiliates do not have the writing skills to write their sales copy and SEO articles so that

they can drive this free traffic to the offers that they are promoting, which also leads to frustration. The Profit Miracle

system can automatically create this copy based on the articles and techniques that have worked in those niches in the past.

In this way, Profit Miracle takes this burden off of the affiliates forever.

Click Here To Download Your Free Miracle Profits Report

Profit Miracle is the perfect system for people who are interested in affiliate marketing but do not have high technical skills

and/or do not have much business experience. This system has been set up as a no-fail method for people to use to make

residual income month after month. The affiliates can choose a niche that they are interested in, and then they activate the

system so that it begins to create what is needed for that affiliate to be successful in that niche. Then he can sit back and

let his money grow! Get started today!

Click Here To Download Your Free Miracle Profits Report

Click here to Determine yourself

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fortune 500 Companies Need YOU!

Have you ever wondered how the leading companies of today could target their audiences and refine their products so precisely? How can they achieve such intense domination of even the most difficult and unpredictable markets, and make it all look so easy? The secrets of Fortune 500 research and development strategy don't fall on the shoulders of the super rich executives, or even the slick and stylish advertising reps. They're found within each and every one of us; ordinary consumers with a vast amount of product experience.
Click here to Determine yourself
What's this skill? Product experience doesn't sound that specific, and it's not something that you can learn at a university. It's a feel for what works and what doesn't, and an intuition for what would succeed with us and what wouldn't. You don't need to know much about marketing or advertising, but you need to know exactly what you like. More importantly, you need to know exactly what you don't like.

How great does that sound? A job where you simply voice your opinion to major companies? Want to truly change the face of business today -- this is your chance to. With major companies desperate to learn more about their customers, there's a massive amount of money to be made in easy online surveys. Simply by voicing your opinion on major consumer products, you can save Fortune 500 companies thousands of dollars, and earn hundreds of dollars per hour for yourself.

Want to get started in the highly lucrative online survey field? This free report, compiled using information made available by both the uber-successful survey takers, and the high profile companies themselves, contains all the information you need to get started on your way to massive survey success. With advice and guides for every form of online survey imaginable, this report will save you a massive amount of time and stress when you're deciding how to craft your online survey strategy.

Click Here To Download Your Free Money Making Survey Report

Ready to start? Just check out this free report to take your first step into the lucrative world of online surveys. Don't worry -- it's totally free, and full of some of the most valuable information for online workers and survey gurus. Don't let yourself get lost in the massive world of online surveys, check out this report and set yourself down the road towards an online income from customer surveys.

Click Here To Download Your Free Money Making Survey Report

Innovative Affiliate Marketing Strategies!

Are your affiliate commissions slumping? Webmasters across the board have noticed a decrease in advertising revenue, a large slump in consumer spending, and a massive change in consumer confidence that's threatening the online landscape as we know it. With the future of the financial world largely in question, people just aren't buying online as they once were. No matter what their interests, credit levels or income amounts, sales are down across the board, marketers are packing up shop, and service providers are looking elsewhere for a lucrative future.
Click here to Determine yourself
It's not difficult to think that now isn't the best time to be a marketer. In many ways it's not. If you're a fan of conventional thinking you'll have trouble doing well in this climate. If you're someone that thinks that throwing money at problems will help fix them, you're in for a hard run. But if you're someone that values innovation, creativity and change above all else, you'll have very little trouble making a truly valuable affiliate marketing income in this climate.

People aren't afraid to spend. They're afraid to spend on something that isn't determined as valuable. If the economic crisis has taught marketers one thing, it's that the play field has totally changed. People don't trust big companies and the traditional indicators of success and prestige any more, they trust people like themselves. This is why review websites have become such an important and lucrative market -- people need to know that others share their opinion, and understand exactly why and how they're spending.

If you want to capitalize on this fear of big, just do one simple thing: be small. Small is truly the new big (thanks Seth Godin). Be small, be micro-communities, be something that people can trust as something other than a corporate entity or soulless company.

The funny thing is, those marketers are excelling, and doing more business than ever. By applying these innovative techniques, marketers are maximizing sales and setting new records while others are being lost in the dust. If you want to do the same, and aren't afraid of trying new things, this report is a must read. Packed with information for maximizing sales, it's a sure fire way to create new business during tough times.

Click Here To Download Your Free "Fire Your Boss" Report

So don't despair; fortune is out there for those who innovate. By applying the strategies in this free report, you can be an innovator rather than a follower, and create the online sales success that you need.

Click Here To Download Your Free "Fire Your Boss" Report

Need Articles Fast?

Creating content for your websites and affiliate pages is a time consuming endeavour. Whether you're trying to create the ultimate article marketing resource of simply building basic content to add to your PPC websites, research time and writing time add up and seem to create endless periods of writing. If you're no stranger to inactivity and distraction in your writing goals, it'll come as no surprise to know that there are some great ways to optimise your writing to keep both time and effort down. Don't spend your precious time writing 24/7 -- instead, apply the basic principles and tactics that can cut your writing down to a small, easily manageable box on your timetable.

How do the star writers operate? Firstly, they limit themselves to topics that they truly understand. This doesn't mean that they only ever write about a certain subject, just that they use their own lens to make sure that their content is build with expertise behind it. When you really understand a topic, the writing comes both more simply, more fluently, and more quickly. By doing even a small preliminary round of research and investigation, you can cut your writing time down to a fraction of what it would otherwise be.

Another great tactic is to batch similarly themed articles together for one work session. Instead of going through your articles in an unorganised list, you can group articles by subject, theme and writing style to make sure that you stay at 100% creativity and productivity throughout your entire writing session. Don't fall short of your targets by performing crutch activities; invest some time into arranging your articles and eliminate those time-wasting activities.

While these tips will help you get on the path towards quicker, higher quality writing, they're really just the beginning. In order to truly optimise your writing, you need to spend a small amount of time auditing and understanding how great and efficient writing comes into existence. This free report is packed with information and strategy for any article writer, and is the perfect resource for you to use to optimise your writing speed and strategy.

Click Here To Download Your Free Article Writing Report

Don't spend hour after hour creating uninspired and bland articles. By investing a small amount of time into reading this free report, you'll save hundreds of hours from your article writing time. Optimise, maximise and liberate yourself from article writing with this free report.

Click Here To Download Your Free Article Writing Report

Ah-Ha! I've Finally Discovered Why I Wasn't Making Any Sells With Affiliate Marketing!

That's right, I spend a lot of time making perfect sales funnels that entice visitors to opt-in and eventually get sold to products. Unfortunately my sales recently plummeted and I was barely making a fraction of what I was used to. I was asking around and it turns out that this is actually a pretty common problem and that most people really have no idea what they're doing wrong.

The truth? They aren't doing anything wrong!

There's actually a quite possibly MORE disturbing thing happening. A large percentage of computers now have some sort of spyware on them and more recently there are spyware programs that will change affiliate links on the host's computer from your affiliate ID to the spyware creator's. That means you're doing all of the work and they're STEALING your sales!

If you're making less sales that you expect to - or more than you normally make - it is very possible that this is your problem. With your current links there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop this problem either. The solution?


Click Here To Download Your Free Cloak and Dagger Affiliate Secrets Report

Normally people run off to a URL shortening service or something and get a different URL so it can't be edited, but I would NOT recommend that you do that. More than likely you'll pick one of the many services that will break affiliate cookies and you won't get the sell anyways. More recently though there have been a few link cloaking services that are directly related to affiliate marketing - these are the ones that you want.

The best ones of these will be hosted on your own site and allow you to change the links, etc. You probably shouldn't try and make your own redirect script (unless you're a programmer) - you might end up not having affiliate cookies still.

I asked around for a program that can do just this and was instead redirected to a report about link cloaking. It's over 15 pages of information about link cloaking and why you need to do it. If you're serious about getting the sales that you deserve and stopping thieves in their track, I recommend you download it as well.

The report is titled 'Cloak & Dagger Affiliate Secrets' and you can find it right here. This will take you through the reasons to use link cloaking, as well as the different ways that people can hijack links.

It recommends 'Phantom Link Cloaker' (PLC) which is a great cloaking service that runs on your website. Recently 'PLC' was upgraded to version two and a ton of new features were added. You can find 'Phantom Link Cloaker' here if you have already read the report or are already convinced to look into a link cloaking service.

Click Here To Download Your Free Cloak and Dagger Affiliate Secrets Report